Jumat, 02 April 2010

Juice does not automatically make your health problems resolved. However, this refreshing drink can help your body with a diversity of benefits. 

Repellent tired: Substances that required vitamin B complex, vitamin C, E, zinc, iron, magnesium and potasium.Bahan: 4 carrots, 2 cm ginger, 3 spinach leaves, parsley ½ handheld, 6 stalks of watercress, or 3 spinach leaves, 5 carrots and Brussels sprouts, or 6 spinach leaves, 1 apple, ¼ lemon, 6 fruit lychees, kiwi fruit 4. Add water according to the desired consistency. 

Getting rid of Acne: Nutrition necessary vitamins B2, C, E, beta carotene, potassium and zinc.
Material: 4 carrots, 1 turnip chinese fruit and 2 cm ginger.
Dull Skin: Nutrition needed: vitamin B2, C and E, beta carotene and potassium
Material: 110 grams of red grapes, strawberries or fruit 10 2 oranges, 1 ½ fruit guava and lime fruit.
Anti Wrinkles: Nutrition necessary vitamins B2, C, E, silicon, selenium and potassium.
Material: 4 carrots, 1 pear, 6 pieces of celery and a handful of parsley leaves.
Restoring passion to make love: Nutrition needed beta carotene, vitamin E and zinc. Material: 3 apples, 2 cm ginger, 2 stalks celery or: 4 carrots, 2 pieces of spinach leaf parsley or handheld plus ½ 170 grams of red grapes plus 3 peaches.
Reduce complaints PMS (pre-menstrual syndrome = syndrome PMS): Nutrition needed vitamin E, zinc and magnesium.Bahan: 4 carrots, 4 spinach leaves, 2 stalks of celery and 2 cm ginger.
Nutritional stress and depression that required vitamin B complex, C, iron and magnesium.
Material: 220 gr 6 melons and spinach leaves or 4 leaves of spinach and 110 grams of red wine.
Flu relief: Nutrition needed: vitamin C, beta carotene and seng.Bahan: 1 large orange, 1 guava fruit and water or 2 large oranges, ½ lemon, ½ and 1 lime fruit papaya fruit.
. High blood pressure: Nutrition needed potassium, calcium and magnesium Material: 110 grams cherries, grapes 170 gr and 1 pear.
Preventing arthritis: a necessary nutrient niacin, vitamin B3, vitamin C, calcium and selenium.
Material: 4 carrots and watercress or 6 stalks 1 fruit guava, citrus fruit juice and ¼ 2 cm cross-section of pineapple.
Preventing osteoporosis: nutritional needs of vitamin D and kalsium.Bahan: 3 carrots, 1 apple, 4 broccoli florets and stems and parsley ½ handheld.
Problem Percernaan: Nutrition needed folic acid and beta karoten.Bahan: 3 carrots, 1 fruit and 2 Chinese radish or apple fruit 3 apples, 4 ¼ cucumber and watercress stalks.
Bleeding gums: Nutrition needed vitamin C, calcium and magnesium.Bahan: 4 pieces of Daum spinach, 3 and 1 apple or pear 6 pieces of leaf lettuce, carrots and a handful of 5 parsley.
Tired eyes: the necessary nutrients: beta karoten.Bahan: 6 pieces 4 carrots and watercress stalks.
Hopefully useful.

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